Sunday 29 September 2013

Ashmead's Kernel

First crop sample 2013. Sharp, not very sweet. Needs a
week or two

Sunday 8 September 2013


Echuim Pininana x Wildprettii - bush version

Growing in difficult places

Echium vulgare Dwarf Hybrids

Echium vulgare Dwarf Hybrids

Echium Russicum

This rosette flourished late in the season

Cyclamen Coum

Cuckoo Pint

Echium Pininana x Wildprettii this year's chance seedling

Echium Pininana x Wildprettii

Cape Gooseberry

Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve'

Starting to look a little tired

Gaillardia Aristata 'Arizona Sun'



Ashmeads Kernel

Classic dull appearance

Raspberry 'Polka'

Second year. Very disapointing - may grub out

Leeks 'Carentan 2'

Tomato "Golden Cherry'

Tomato 'Galina'

Apples: Insect damage to leaf and fruit

Fuchsia Magelicana

Damaged apples

To the compost bucket


Going over


Applied to several beds in the vegetable garden